Wednesday, March 28, 2012

White Educators

        "We are like a people caught between two lands. There is the old country of oppression and racism from which we are attempting to emigate, and the new country of hope, transformation, and healing that we are only beginning to explore and inhabit." (115). We are both part of the problem and part of the solution. We are both racist and anti-racist. Howard says that we need to make the change as educators. It is not easy; however, it is a journey of transformation and adventure. It is important to have a strong set of support from those of other races. "There is a positive and healing privilege gained through our connection and collaboration with colleagues and students from other racial and cultural groups." (116) Although this may not be for everyone, it is a rewarding journey to join. On this journey, one will become an activist and transformationist White identity that can be very help in the classroom as well as the world.

       This is something that affected my life recently. About three years ago, my friend introduced me to Miguel, a fellow student at her college. He is half Mexican, half Colombian. We have become close friends in the last three years and recently started dating. This was a new experience for me as I normally only know people from my town, which is mostly White, Irish people. I was introduced to his family and his whole culture. It really showed me to appreciate one's background. I was able to teach him about my culture and traditions, while he was able to do the same. It was a fun way to get to know someone. I was able to then think about this in sense of my classroom and how it is important to get to know the students' backgrounds and cultures as it explains a lot about someone.

Worldview: This one experience transformed my view of people from other cultures and races. Until I was up close to someone's culture, I only thought about my own. Even after learning different traditions such as eating soup for breakfast, I had a look of disgust and stuck to my eggs and bacon. My view on cultures is to experience them as they all have something great to offer the world especially if you just look at all the different types of food. However, this also can relate to the many cultures that can influence the environment of your classroom. Being open to the variety of cultures can help shape you as a teacher into a more diverse person, and you may even learn something about yourself!

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